Thursday, June 3, 2010

SIFF's "Skateland" : Who said the 70's were easy?

Set in the early 1970's this story follows a boy named Teddy who is confronted by many bad events in an era of freedom, and easy going. The title of the movie refers to a roller rink where Teddy is a manager and has worked all 4 years of high school. unfortunately it goes out of business due to the rise of disco's and the club scene. this is just the beginning of his teenage drama's.

Teddy's closest friends are this brother and sister whom he is very close to their family as well. The sister, Michelle, is his closest girl that is a friend and becomes the apple of his eye throughout the movie. Her brother, Ritchie, is a washed up professional motorcycle rider with the smoothest mustache and most bad ass ride in town well... that's where Kenny comes into the movie. Kenny is a rich, blonde, lake house owning party boy who is like the cool kid with a brand new chevy camaro. It seems these two boys are the cream of the manly crop. Unfortunately his parents are dead, which I learned by talking to the director afterwords, so he has nothing but cash to keep him happy.

Teddy is thrown all sorts of curve balls as he is faced with death, rivals, girl problems, college, and the loss of Skateland. For a teenager fresh out of high school and in between college and the last 19 years of his life he can't decide what to do. to make things harder his choices are bombarded by conflict after conflict.

As Teddy is forced into unemployment his search for a new job just as good as Skateland fails. When he tries to relax and enjoy himself his friend Ritchie is hooking up with girls that belong to his rivals which in turn cause the death Ritchie after an intense chase after a party by the girls boyfriend. teddy survives the accident and is left horrified by the turn of events. Not knowing what to do with himself, whether to stay in town or go away to college, his world falls apart.

He goes for some R and R at a bar and see's his own mom with another man this soon follows the divorce and the falling apart of his family ties. As his little sister tries to make his mind up for him by applying to a bunch of colleges Teddy lashes back at saying he would rather stay instead of pursuing his future.

As Michelle and Teddy become romantically involved, Michelle makes the first move, she then is quickly thrown away from her pathway and goals as the death of her brother Ritchie forces her to rethink her life, so she runs away. It seems his world has fallen apart.

When it seems all Teddy can do is nothing he receives a lovely letter from the University of Houston where he is gratefully accepted along with a nice scholarship. He then goes to Michelle and says "we're going" as the two decide to go to college together following with a romantic closing kissing scene.

The movie covered media influence as MTV was first introduced in that time. So the shift to a teen-happy media induced world was about to come as MTV typically defines "cool." After the movie was over we talked to the director and Anthony Burns most impotently said "I chose this era because ti was when women were the strongest, this was after the civil right movement and I wanted every woman character to influence the audience." and theat every female was to glow and inspire. I gave this movie 4.7/5 stars.

SIFF's "The Actresses": 6 powerful women, 1 room

The ActressesThe Seattle International Film festival movie "The Actresses" is a tale of the most prominent Korean drama actresses in a mocumentary of a photo shoot set up by Vogue magazine showcasing the women as "more beautiful than jewelry." The 6 actresses all coming to the studio were all nervous in their own way as the intimidation factor of each actresses ego and reputation would trump each others and create conflict.

As the actresses arrived each one brought their career with them. One who was fresh out of work and had been divorced with some extra baggage. Another who had just flown in from Tokyo and had no time to do this shoot as she was scheduled to leave the next day. One, old, who was quite experienced but had all the characteristics of a grandma which she hated very much. The age range was in full as it covered from old to very young, that being 21. There was the diva, the elder, the new elder, the fat one/drunk, the young one, and the in between one. Each of them either had too much work, none at all, or were steadily putting along.

That being, this spectrum of talented women brought many stories and personalities to the table, literally. They are all usually sitting or standing around something, whether it be a makeup mirror, dinner table, or coffee table. Each sharing stories of one another and how their lives have been in the actresses realm. Each one based on age and appearance/beauty has altered their stories.

Their stories entailed a life of hard work and constant influence on their own morals, way, and path of life. Whether it be an image they had to sustain for the public eye(paparazzi) or being worked so much that their whole life had been ruined where they had no husband and no friends. Their spotlights had forced them to be the utmost standard of beauty as their lives were practically media. Each of their employers were the conglomerates of Korea and if they failed to please them, they would be out of work.

The bechdel test was no question in this movie. The mention of a man was only that of a homosexual one, or a divorced piece of history. No mention of any male figures came up in the movie as the only men you saw were either in a relationship or gay. it was truly all about the actresses and they got an A+ on the test in that respect.

As the actresses opened up to one another their stories were all alike. The industry had ruined their love lives and worked them to the bone. They had been demanded the most out of their images and been used as trophies of television. When all was said and done the women all knew they had to maintain and be strong in an business that demanded them at their best. This movie was all shot in one studio so it was very hard to enjoy it but the relation to the class could not have been better. i just wish it had a conflict and resolution.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

"Classism" : Racism for classes

The division among classes has separated us people since the beginning of time. In the time before true civilization with currency and a set system of economics it was division of classes based on ones wealth.

For example say Caveman A spent days fashioning a club at the same time he had a lady friend compared to Caveman B with neither of those obviously hanging out with Caveman B won't be very fun if he doesn't have another club or a companion as well. Very simple but separation of class. By Caveman A with his club and lovely lady friend not desiring to hangout with Caveman B because of his lack of wealth would make his a "clssist," racist, but class.

As time goes on and civilization is evolves into a set government and economic system , much like in the era of kings and queens, money becomes a factor. Although in a time where heritage is just as important as money separation of class was really who you were born from. If you were born into royalty you were golden, but if you were born into middle to poor class life just wasn't gonna be as fun. Especially since back then if you were rich and royal you could rub it in your fellow mans face, literally, because with a high power like that classes below you were near slave status even if they were in your same kingdom or village. The rich and high class of this time were the "classist's" in comparison to slave owners in the 1800's.

This term, "classist," closely relates to separation of class and color during slavery in N. America in the 1800's as it was rich White people buying stolen African American's from Africa and profiting from it. This separation of race and class has the same appeal today. As minorities in America are oppressed in the literal success of ones life here its can be seen from the rich white mans point of view down to "rest of us." The first and previously only billionaire black women was Oprah and that was because 90%~ of America knows who she is.

From day one when your born if you come out white in America your probably ,most likely, gonna succeed or live an ample life unless your born into the lowest 10% of income families. The "classist" of today is someone who is usually rich. Rich enough to have more than a car for one self. Rich enough to fly first class. Rich enough to send each of their children to private school. All of these are a separation of class, moving them self and status away from the middle man/ lower class. Living in a capitalist America as a rich person, spendable income, its nearly impossible not to be a "classist" and part take in "classism." Good and services just scream "I'm Rich" here. Like private schools, first class, VIP, valet parking, etc. the list is gigantic. The funny thing is these services are usually carried out by a very low payed individual who really doesn't want to do their job serving rich people all the time. Funny, sounds like slavery.

The way it looks and has been looking this will stay the same till the end of mankind as it has been around since the beginning. A separation from your fellow man/woman is inevitable. As a species that creates such elaborate lifestyles and peacocks the line from poor to rich is comparable to African American slave and Land owning White as well as hand crafted club and girl owning caveman A to caveman B.

Now, are you a "classist"? or part take in "classism"?
I am, with my iPhone alone puts me above so many under privileged people out there without one. Not a good thing to know, but that's capitalist America for you. Born and raised.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

What's the differences between me and you?

When you take a conflict of race its on the background of that person of which they were born into. One disagreeing with the other based on like and dislike referring to ones preferences. This is sparked by the first thing you notice about any one human you come in contact with anywhere in the world. Their race and gender, whether you like it or not its what we do. This necessarily isn't bad in that you may have no bias on either, but many do.

For an example, when someone not related to your race walks in the room in your near direct line of sight your eyes will scan and in less that a second your brain races with anything related like a supercomputer. This doesn't mean that you automatically become a judgmental racial profiling son of a gun. It means you recognize the differences and recall your perception on what you have been through up to that point in time. See this is where racists will skew and channel such thoughts into negative hate. Hate for another person who is not them or, a racist/sexist.

This racial/gender profiling is sadly very common in America and especially America. Our history is short in comparison to many other nations and in that short time there was a long and serious period of slavery of African Americans and only African Americans. The oppression for being born how you were, as well as some bogus findings of racial superiority based on skull structure, are rooted in our American history. I believe its very important we teach every bit of U.S. history from worst to greatest but the fact our history involves genocide of nearly all Native Americans, Slavery and oppression of hundreds of thousands of African Americans, and Internment of U.S. citizen Japanese Americans during WWII all in 233 years, that a lot of hate. Even today we face such discrimination among races as we have entered the Afghanistan and Iraq wars that Middle Easterns are somehow suspected of being terrorists and that Hispanics can legally be racially profiled in Arizona as we protect our boarders.

All that in almost 2 human lifetimes is a lot! This what I believe learning about this may impose or somehow connect in peoples minds that it may be okay to hate, discriminate, and be racist. Our track record as a nation clearly shows an extremely large amount of hate among each other. The social experiment in the store as ABC set up a hairy situation with opposite races. The fact our nation has a history of such discrimination among other races allows one to think that because our history has it that its okay, which its not.

We should be learning from such a rough history. Its like the global warming situation in that we are chocking our planet by spewing emissions thus killing humanities only home, Earth. The same should go for racism in America. Teach that and make it right by teaching that racial profiling is not okay and that we are all equal because we are.

For example imagine an onion and all its layers. Now take a White male and a Black female, stand them next to each other. When you peel off their first and foremost layer, the skin and hair, all racial aspects are gone. Its muscle and muscle. When you peel away another layer you get bones, but you also get genitals which surely separates the sex but without race I'm pretty sure these two would get along. As you get down to just organs its all the same. Its just our identity on the outside. What our skin color is, what we wear, how long our hair is, our "feature" sizes etc.

"We are fully clothed naked."

So really when the question comes up, What are the differences between me and you? Its gotta be the race you were uncontrollably born with and how you accessorize yourself with material goods because underneath your skin we are all the same (minus genitalia) so ask yourself, why can't we all get along? and do something to fix that. That's how to answer the question.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A Funny Resemblance: Daytime talk show + StuntMEN

The videos I have posted are done by a show on Cartoon Network, or adult swim, that were aired just last Sunday 4/11/10 and display a kind of extreme masculine and feminine behavior of 2 men(Randy and Jean Stontmehn) and 2 women(Marsh and Lonnie) much of which we have discussed.

The fake talk show, Feminine Perspectives, is seen as the typical talk show wtih a feminine colored studio only including the colors of red, purple,and pink. With a well lit room you would think its a daytime show, as it seems most late night spots are reserved for men upon my further observation. Much like Oprah, Ellen, and Bonny Hunt are all daytime as vise verse Conan, Jay Leno, and Jimmy Fallon are all nightly. Is this because our society view women as the caretaker which would include lots of typical work hours that a woman would be at home taking care of the kids as her husband is working? A sad stereotype realized.

Looking past the explicit content of the show once you look deeper and observe their acting it matches well with the observable behaviors that we covered in class. Both female hosts show evidence of a slight crush just at the title of each of their guests, the stuntMEN, that it appears if you do such a masculine job you will automatically become sexually appealing to women.

As the stuntmen introduce themselves they have a close male bond that is seen when the blond one touches the larger one in the stomach as well as the crotch. The excuse of this behavior that we learned in class was the use of sports to get closer to another man where it is acceptable.
You can tell by when the two stuntmen talk about their line of work the blond host shows a look of "I don't care" and is backed by her curley haired co-host with a sexual comment says "topless?" and the two giggle and act giddy as if they really enjoy it which is just "sexualizing" women, and then the two proceed to masturbate and the two stuntmen flail their tongues around signaling a sexual act and this is okay during their show, somehow... Can't really explain it haha, but it is a raw piece of characterization of all 4 characters.

Second video again shows more sexual innuendos. As the two stuntmen use words that only relate to "cool" or "awesome" the female hosts seem to get aroused by their showing of stunts they do. I see this as a social stereotype that women are believed (in our society) to be aroused by a manly action, or thing. This perspective means that both sexes are entertained well by manly pea cocking which in terms would mean a patriarchal society as men are idolized or in control as they capture the attention.

The third and final video, showcasing their masculine side, the two stunt-brothers do a trick with a gun for the two hosts and clearly they like it with some more tongue action. Because whats hotter then two stuntmen and a gun trick, very manly. When the blond host say "I don't want to see a death today" it shows me that they are characterizing women as being weak, or frail much like what we went over. The "careful careful" from her co-host is another example of that characterization as well. Now this is when it become obvious. When the gun shoots down the light onto her co-hosts head the blond host crawls away and just says "help, can anybody get help" not taking any action as the stuntman(Randy) runs over to assist. This part is just reiterating the stereotype that men call to action as women are weak or afraid.

The whole video I think is great to show the ridiculousness of media portrayal or our own social stereotype of men and women. The video also met a lot of what we have been discussing in class which made it serious and comedic at the same time.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Car Models: Victims of Stereotype

As soon as the first car show appeared in a French Hotel in 1886 as it featured 6 cars in a lobby. From then on it has grown to a tour of automobiles from every automaker globally competing for a wonderful showcase of their industry. After the second world war when the automobile industry started to increase model range(size) and expand into more then just basic function as technology followed the impotence of style came into affect forever changing the competition between companies.

To sell a vehicle to a society growing up fast the car companies had to stand out among each other so they heavily incorporated design into their products. As the market studies would show time and time again that "sex sells" automotive companies would soon follow.

As 'sexy' came into affect among the car industry so did those all those car models, or "booth professionals", came onto the scene at every car show, meet, and photo shoot you could possibly lay your eyes on. The association of women and cars implied that if you own this type of car, you'll get this type of girl. usually an over the top model with exaggerated features and loads of makeup would be the ones selected to pose and glorify the machinery they were standing next to. Like a mannequin, these women are used to stand next to the car, which I might add is an not even alive, as people (mostly guys) walk guy and stare looking up and down of each the car and the girl.

This problem of women being exploited as "eye candy" for guys at car shows has recently been addressed as more and more models are being harassed by on-lookers with crude and sexual comments towards them. At the birthplace of American automobiles and the worlds first mass produced vehicle ever, the Ford Model T, at the 2010 Detroit Auto Show (dates:1/16-24/2010) car models banded together to created a list on how one should respect a car model after a FOX news reporter rudely asked a booth professional things like if she "came with the car" and "I hope you can't read what my eyes are saying." This interview was posted online for the world to see and was quickly pulled off via the reporters embarrassment. The model just rolled her eyes and walked off without saying ANYTHING. A great way to silently slap the man in the face leaving with her dignity in full.

Detailed story Here:

The models shortly after came up with a list detailing how to treat someone of their stature so you don't end up sexually harassing a high profile model. the list included things like: ask me about the car, not myself and my eyes are up here, buddy. It's especially sad to see it was a FOX reporter and not just another random guy. The reporter and the model were both at work when this happened. Very professional of him.

The connection here is the association of sex and women.The car industry does nothing but support this as they will time and time again use sexy models to show off their cars for a boost in sales as design is really now how to sell a car, especially in an economy where only the best stand out. It's a shame how women are exploited and categorized into sex which further pushes the social view or aspect of women in this category. The problem in this debacle is the fact our society see's that cars = money = power = sex appeal = women. They need to subtract women from the car equation! ... or find a healthy solution.